Welcome to Remote Learning!  This is it!  Now we can apply our Jedi Skills to becoming a more independent learner which is the goal of all Jedi!

Having said that, I do miss you all.  It’s in the day to day interactions that we learn the most.  But we have been training for this moment so here we go!

Office Hours: I will use Zoom (and you don’t even need to have it downloaded) to host office hours for Wednesday at 11:00-11:30 click here,

Reminders: You may use all the tools and strategies we normally use in class while working at home:

  • Google Read and Write: This extension will read text aloud. It looks like a purple puzzle piece and can be found in the top right corner of the browser. If you haven’t added it yet, go to the Extension Store and add it now.
  • Music: Research shows that music without lyrics is best when you are reading and writing.
  • Brain Breaks: Establish an amount of time to work (we usually work for 20 minutes at a time in social studies), set a timer, then give yourself a break once the timer has gone off. Try to get outside and move your body during these breaks.
  • Paper: If you are struggling to stay focused on the computer, print out the assignment or answer the questions on a separate piece of paper. You can then scan or take a picture of the completed work and email it to me or attach it in an email or Schoology.
  • Zoom: If you need more help staying on task, join one of my office hours each day and share your screen. This will allow me to monitor your progress and provide redirection as needed.

I am really excited to go on this journey with you and I hope everyone is well.  If you need anything, even if it isn’t social studies or school related, please let me know. I am here to help however I can.  AND PLEASE EXERCISE!!!! IT WILL KEEP YOUR BRAIN AND BODY HEALTHY!

“See” you soon.